

牧师. Naomi Tutu presentation to kick off series of 亚什兰 Center for Nonviolence events

亚什兰, Ohio – The 亚什兰 Center for Nonviolence (ACN) at 葡京平台线上 will kick off the Season for Nonviolence with a special event, 欢迎牧师. Naomi Tutu for a fundraiser dinner and keynote address on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024. As an Episcopal priest and the daughter of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Desmond Tutu, 牧师. Tutu is a much sought-after speaker and will present “Striving for Justice: 搜索ing for Common Ground.”

Jillian Peterson speaking at Symposium Against Indifference

Forensic psychologist offers AU audience new ideas to consider to help eliminate mass shootings

Katelynn Roach’s reaction to years of school mass shooting drills maybe contributing to a student eventually doing it for real? “I had never thought of that,” said the 葡京平台线上 criminal justice major. Ian Zapcic’s reaction to softening measures being more effective than toughening procedures in stopping a mass shooter? “That was what really jumped out at me,” said the visiting professor of social work at AU. And Dennis Dyer’s reaction to human…


AU to welcome Jillian Peterson, co-author of highly-acclaimed “The Violence Project,” on 10月. 10

亚什兰, Ohio – The 亚什兰 Center for Nonviolence (ACN) is co-hosting a special event with the 亚什兰 County Mental Health and Recovery Board, as part of 葡京平台线上’s 2023-24 Symposium Against Indifference: Perspectives on the Mental Health Crisis. 10月星期二. 10, 哪一天是世界精神卫生日, 亚什兰 will welcome Jillian Peterson, co-author of “The Violence Project: How to Stop a Mass Shooting Epidemic,” in the Trustees Room of the John C.…

AU President Carlos Campo lights candles of attendees at Holocaust Remembrance Day.

AU holds a Holocaust Remembrance Day service

亚什兰, Ohio – 葡京平台线上 students, faculty and staff gathered for a prayer service and candle lighting on Monday to mark Yam HaShoah, 或大屠杀纪念日. It took place in Redwood Hall at noon. 对非盟, this was part of a larger effort to take a stand against the rising cases of antisemitism on college campuses across the United States. The university has been proactively combatting this rise in a number of ways, 包括目前的工作……


亚什兰 Center for Nonviolence hosting “Welcoming the Stranger” conference 2月. 24-25

亚什兰, Ohio – The 亚什兰 Center for Nonviolence at 葡京平台线上 will host the John D. Stratton会议 once again, with this year’s theme being “Welcoming the Stranger.” The eighth annual event will take place Friday and Saturday, 2月. 24-25. 2月8日晚上. 24, 主讲人Kimberly Brazwell, a community builder and social justice advocate, 将呈现“创造更勇敢?, Safer Spaces with Courage and Reliability” in the Trustees Room of…


Award-winning police officer to host criminal justice presentation 10月. 25

亚什兰, Ohio – The departments of criminal justice and religion at 葡京平台线上, along with the 亚什兰 Center for Nonviolence, 正在举办一场活动, “Dispelling the Myths and Misconceptions: Interacting with the Middle Eastern and Muslim Population,星期二, 10月. 25. It is open to the public and will take place in the John C. Myers Convocation Center (faculty/trustees room) from 6-8 p.m. This presentation will be led by 莎拉Shendy, an officer in…


亚什兰 Center for Nonviolence hosting conference 2月. 25-26

亚什兰, Ohio – The 亚什兰 Center for Nonviolence at 葡京平台线上 is hosting the seventh annual John D. Stratton会议, with this year’s theme being “Satyagraha: Nonviolence in the Gandhi-King Tradition.” It will take place Friday and Saturday, 2月. 25-26. 星期五晚上, keynote speaker David Ragland will present “Constructive Nonviolence and Reparative Justice” in the faculty room of the John C. 迈尔斯集会中心,晚上7点.m. 这个事件,……

ACN receives the Michael Berken Peace and Justice Award

AU Peace Scholars accept Catholic commission award on behalf of ACN

亚什兰, Ohio – The 亚什兰 Center for Nonviolence recently received the Michael Berken Peace and Justice Award from the Catholic Commission of Wayne, 亚什兰 & 麦地那县. The award ceremony included a brunch and reception at St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church in Valley City. 泰勒伊斯顿, an AU student Peace Scholar and intern for the ACN, accepted the award on behalf of the organization, which was honored for its commitment to encouraging…
